Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Rhetorical Analysis - Essay Example This essay will judge Obama's speech according to the principles of rhetoric – ethos, pathos, logos and mythos – to show that a speech with no apparent political motive (motive as distinct from purpose) can still be worthy of rhetorical study. Ethos, the (usually introductory) part of speech which convinces the audience of the speaker's moral authority on the subject to be addressed, has been under debate for at least hundreds of years: the question is whether ethos can be established before the speech, if a speaker's moral character, if known to the audience, has some effect on the audience's reception to what they say (Hyde, ix). The debate is purely academic, however, because Obama's position as President of the United States means that he will generally be accepted as an authority wherever he chooses to speak. At the time, his great interest in the reformation of healthcare and health insurance made his appearance in front of the ANA even more relevant. Obama's etho s is, as always, evident in three parts. Firstly, his casual announcement of somewhat specious facts – â€Å"it is an honor to speak to the ANA, representing more than three million registered nurses across the country† – present phronesis, as do his declaration of personal experience with nurses (which I will discuss under pathos). However, this is jeopardized slightly by his obvious lack of specialized knowledge on nursing. Moral excellence, or arete, is mostly to be discerned from the President's work previous to this speech, but is also reinforced in the large middle section which discusses his recent achievements in the field of health insurance, in which the Democratic party and progressive Americans are portrayed as a force of good against the â€Å"abusive† insurance industry. Eunoia is a powerful force in this speech, as Obama begins with personally thanking a member of the audience and congratulating her mother on her daughter's achievements; he continues with a joke (â€Å"I don't break promises to nurses because you never know when I'm going to need a shot†), which was received with laughter by the audience. He humanizes himself by talking about himself as fallible during the birth of one daughter and the serious childhood illness of another. The speech is peppered with individuals, and Obama's thanks for these people; the ending note is one of praise for the strong women and men who endure â€Å"tough †¦ stressful †¦ exhausting and †¦ thankless† jobs to help sick people. The audience is very much brought over to Obama's side by his goodwill and even flattery. This brings me to the second aspect of rhetoric: pathos. I see great evidence of pathos in Obama's speech – his appeals to emotion are frequent and often personal, as evident in many of his public appearances (Coop, 41). The video clip of the speech shows his great passion for less discrimination in healthcare, and his words cont ribute to this emotion. The stories of Obama's family – one daughter's birth and another's bout of meningitis as a three-month-old – are calculated to flatter every member of the union for being a nurse, not to thank the small number of nurses who attended to his family in times of need. Obama refers to the nurses who

Monday, October 28, 2019

World Religions Report HUM-130 Essay Example for Free

World Religions Report HUM-130 Essay The religion that I have chosen to discuss is the Jewish religion, or Judaism. In seeking information about Judaism, I conducted an interview at the Beth Israel Congregation near downtown Fayetteville, North Carolina. The synagogue is located at 2204 Morganton Rd., only a few miles from downtown Fayetteville and only a few miles from a major shopping mall in the area. Upon arriving at the synagogue in the afternoon heat of nearly 90 degrees, I was surprised to see the plush gardens to one side of the building. There is a beautiful walking path through a well-manicured lawn. The concrete path leads to a rectangular gazebo overgrown with vine. The small to medium trees and bushes on the property are perfectly maintained and are arrayed in vibrant colors. As I made my way to the front entrance, I noted the light colored brickwork and matching stonework on the front of the building. The building itself gives the appearance of a two story structure with its abstract sculpture, but upon further investigation, the highest part of the building is simple a raised inner ceiling. When I entered the building, I was greeted by Rabbi Yosef Levanon and conducted to his office for my interview after a brief look around the synagogue, which did not include . The Rabbi seems to be a pleasant man who showed a great deal of patients in setting up and carrying out the interview. Through conducting the interview, I found that the Fayetteville, NC Beth Israel congregation had originally been given a charter as an Orthodox Jewish Faith. The Beth Israel Congregation was established in May of 1917. The first brick of foundation was not laid until 1922. This original Beth Israel Synagogue was at a location on Cool Spring Street in Fayetteville, NC. The building that is now the Beth Israel Congregation worship center was constructed on Morganton Rd. in 1950, and dedicated in December of that year. Growth through the years prompted expansion with the addition of classrooms and a sanctuary. In October of 1972, the congregation changed its by-laws and became a Conservative Congregation. In approximately 1995 or 1996, they began to include women in the aliyahs. This is the Law of Return in which any Jew may claim the legal right to assisted migration and settlement in Israel. This includes automatic citizenship (Wikipedia, 2008). In 1998, the congregation began including women in the minyan (a quorum of 10 men required for certain prayers) (Y.  Levanon, personal communication, August 6, 2008). My interview with Rabbi Levanon covered a number of other issues. When asked what the important holidays and traditions of Judaism are, the rabbi responded that the Sukkot, Purim, Passover, Sabbath, Shavot, Rosh Hashanah, and the Day of Atonement were all important to the Jewish faith. I then asked which he felt were the most important of these. He responded that the Passover and Day of Atonement were probably the most important. The rabbi maintains the position that Judaism has shaped his life in that it guides the way that he behaves, his thoughts, and how he relates to other people in everyday life. The biggest challenge that he or other Jews face is maintaining their own identity. The rabbi states, Like any other minority in a bigger culture, it is not easy for the minority to maintain their identity apart from the bigger culture. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that even though they struggle to maintain their distinct identities in a nation surrounded by other religions and influences, neither the rabbi nor and his family have experienced discrimination because of their religious preferences or practices. Rabbi Levanon seemed a little confused as to the specific identity of the Jewish people. When asked if he considers Judaism to be a religion, a race, a nationality, or a Jewish state, the rabbi stated that Judaism is a religion and a nationality. I again asked him if he considered Judaism to be a race, to which he replied, No. I then asked what race he would consider himself to be. He stated that he considers himself a Jewish Caucasian, meaning that he views Jewish is a race as well. In determining that the rabbi considers Judaism to be a race, I asked what his thoughts are on religious pluralism and if it has influenced members of the Jewish community. Considering that Jews are exposed to people of many different religious backgrounds all throughout the world, rabbi Levanon believe that such exposure may lead to some Jewish people being assimilated into the societies and religions to which they are exposed. Assimilation is something that the rabbi endeavors to avoid in order to main tain his own identity as a Jew. In order for the Jewish people to maintain their identity in the modern world, they must remain steadfast in their faith and practices. Another challenge to this is the interfaith movement. The rabbi supports the interfaith movement because it is a †¦good idea to have a dialog among people of different races to remove prejudice, to remove indifference, to remove misunderstandings. He does not believe that the interfaith movement requires that people of different faiths find a common religious ground, however. The rabbi states that, If you are a good person, you should be tolerant of other opinions (and) religious faiths. The interfaith movement provides for people of different faiths to come together in discussion to promote understanding, not commonality. Rabbi Levanon believes that there are many paths to the Divine, not a single path found by following any particular religion. The effect that the interfaith movement has on Jewish teachings deny the icons of other religious faiths, such as Jesus Christ or Muhammad, is to encourage members to be respectful of all religious beliefs and maintain open-mindedness about the opinions of others. They also teach that the Jewish people should respect the opinions carried by other faiths. As a testament to this open-mindedness, the Beth Israel Synagogue encourages interfaith marriage and has many such unions within its congregation. The congregation and leadership of the Beth Israel Synagogue in Fayetteville, NC feel a very close connection to Israel. In addition, they fully support the nation of Israel and believe strongly that the political climate in the United States can directly affect the national security of Israel. This is because Israel needs the international political support of the United States in order to maintain a positive image and protect itself from unprovoked attacks by its enemies. This is a true analysis considering that Israel is surrounded by 22 Arab or Islamic nations (Brumfield, n.d.), many of them hostile towards Israel. The tiny country of only 8,000 square miles is in a very precarious position. Clearly, Israel could not survive without strong Western allies. Since some of the most radical Islamic organizations and countries surround the nation of Israel, it seems fitting that Islam be the subject of comparison to Judaism. Islam, like Judaism and Christianity, is an Abrahamic  religion (Brumfield, n.d.). This means that all three religions can trace their roots to Abraham. Islam teaches that Allah (the God of Islam) revealed His word to certain prophets. These prophets were Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, with Muhammad being the last prophet of Allah. Muslims also believe that the Quran is flawless, indisputable, and the final revelation of Allah. Brumfield also states that Muslim teaching includes the belief that parts of the Gospels, the Torah, and the Jewish prophetic books have been forgotten, misinterpreted, or distorted by their followers. Therefore, the original message has been corrupted over time, making the Quran a correction of Jewish and Christian Scriptures.Islam and Judaism are similar in many of their basic tenants. Bo th religions teach that there is only one God. In addition, both teach that God is strictly monotheistic being only one divinity and not plural. Both religions have similar teachings that God is all-powerful and non-corporeal, non-physical, and eternal. The Muslim faith states eternal as He never begot, nor was begotten. (Brumfield, n.d.). In addition, Islam and Judaism share the teachings that none is worthy of the offering of prayer except God. Both Judaism and Islam believe that there can be no intermediary to communication with God. Both religions teach that the word of the prophets are true, though they disagree on whom Gods final prophet was. Judaism holds the belief that Moses was the last prophet and the five books of Moses, known as the Torah, is the primary book guiding their faith, along with the written Talmud. Islam teaches that after Moses, Jesus Christ was a prophet, followed by the final prophet, Muhammad. Islam also teaches that the Quran is the final word of God, which they use to guide their faith. The Muslim and Jewish faiths have more differences in teachings than which book to follow, or what prophet(s) to believe in. Muslims also pray five times per day, as compared to the Jewish tradition of praying three times per day. The Muslim faith teaches that they are the chosen people of God. The Jewish faith teaches that they are the chosen people of God and there will come a Jewish Messiah (moshiach) to Earth, possibly to initiate a messianic era. The Jewish faith also teaches that each persons soul is pure at birth, but humanity is born with the propensity to do both good and evil. In contrast, Islam seeks to forbid what is evil (Nahi-anil-Munkar). Both  religions believe in a resurrection and pursuing the approval of God. While Judaism allows conversion to other religions, Islamic law forbids this and is punishable by death in many Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Yemen, Iran, Sudan, Pakistan, and Mauritania. Another major point of contrast between Judaism and Islam is the multiple times the Jewish people have been subjugated multiple times by other nations. After the reign of King Solomon ended in 927 BC (Schoenberg, 2008), Israel split into two separate kingdoms, the Kingdom of Israel in the north and the Kingdom of Judah in the south. At separate times after this split, outside forces conquered both kingdoms. The Kingdom of Israel fell to the Assyrians in the eighth century BC, and the Kingdom of Judah was conquered by Babylonia in the sixth century BC. 70 years after this occurred, some Jews returned to Jerusalem following the downfall of Babylonia. The Romans later conquered them. During this time, the Roman Empire defeated two revolt attempts by the Jewish people. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD (Trueman, 2008), the Jews were again able to retake Jerusalem. In all, ownership of Jerusalem changed 17 times throughout the citys history. The nation of Israel itself was not established until three years after the end of World War 2. Before and during World War 2, the Jewish people were being imprisoned, tortured, then slaughtered by the millions by the Nazis of Germany as they sought to cleanse their territories of the so called non-Aryans who they believed to be lesser human beings than true Germans (Aryans) (Bankier, 2008). Repeated subjugation and near extermination. By the end of World War 2, German forces had killed an estimated 5.6 million to 5.9 million Jews, 1.2 million of which were children. The followers of Islam have not suffered anything remotely similar to this near genocide or the multiple conquerors that the Jewish people have endured. Another difference between Islam and Judaism is the radical factions within Islam that sponsor and conduct terrorist actions, bombing and rocket attacks on Israeli soil, and the goal of destroying Judaism altogether. Islamic nations such as Iran and Syria have dedicated resources towards the destruction of Israel. Despite the thousands of years of subjugation of the  Jewish people throughout history, and the near extermination of the Jewish race, Judaism has grown into one of the three largest religions in the world. The nation of Israel has become one of the strongest countries in the Middle East. Judaism is one of the most peaceful of the major world religions, only using military force to defend itself. In addition, much of the Jewish leadership has embraced the practice of working to foster understanding and respect between their religion and other religions throughout the world. Though Islam and Judaism share several common beliefs and a common root founder in Abraham, the religions are very different in terms of suffering by its people and levels of aggression by radical factions and governments alike. References Aliyah, (2008). Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved August 6, 2008, from Wikipediawebsite:, D. (2008). Holocaust. In MSN Encarta [Web]. Retrieved August 6, 2008, from, B. (n.d.). Islam. Retrieved August 6, 2008 from Israels Messiah website:, B. (n.d.). Palestinians: Israel, politically and geographically. Retrieved August 6,2008 from Israels Messiah website:, S. (2008). Jewish virtual library: Solomon. Retrieved August 7, 2008 from theJewish virtual library website:, C. (2008). History Learning Site, A History of Ancient Rome: The fall of AncientRome. Retrieved from the History learning site website: e.htm

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Jules Verne’s Around the World in 80 Days Essay -- Around World 80 Da

Jules Verne’s Around the World in 80 Days Jules Verne’s 19th century novel about the travels of the â€Å"eclectic† Phileas Fogg at first seems a quick read, an adventurous tale written in a light-hearted vernacular. Yet a close reading of passages, such as the paragraph at the beginning of chapter two, reveals more complex, latent themes amidst the pages of such â€Å"mass† fiction. An analysis of one passage in particular1 [1] suggests that this classic novel has little to do with travel, adventure and love, but rather that it makes a statement about the human condition. Fogg’s famous eighty-day challenge seems only a vessel, a means of transportation, to mask and guide his own inward journey. Verne’s earliest portrayals of Fogg reveal some of his peculiarities: an unnatural fixation on following routing and being on time, as well as meticulous attention for detail.2 [2] Yet Fogg’s apparent obsession with exactitude denies him any hint of individuality. According to Verne, Fogg is â€Å"so exact that he [is] never in a hurry†, â€Å"[makes] no superfluous gestures†, and â€Å"[is] never seen to be moved or agitated†.3 [3] He meticulously reads two papers each day without comment, avoids both confrontation and agreement, and is at once mysterious and predictable. Phileas Fogg seems, therefore, to exist in such a state of mediocrity and liminality, lacking defining or distinctive characteristics, that prior to accepting the challenge, he would fade from the reader’s view. Verne’s poetic prose further highlight Fogg’s early banality: â€Å"Phileas Fogg was indeed exactitude personified, and this was betrayed even in the expression of his very hands and feet†¦ the limbs themselves are expressive of the passions.† (Verne 14) .. ...ons do not match on a word-for-word basis. This is the passage as it appears in my versions: â€Å"Phileas Fogg was indeed exactitude personified, and this was betrayed even in the expression of his very hands and feet; for in men, as well as in animals, the limbs themselves are expression of the passions. He was so exact that he was never in a hurry, was always ready, and was economical in both steps and his motions. He never took one step too many, and always went to his destination by the shortest way; he made no superfluous gestures, and was never seen to be moved or agitated. He was the most deliberate person in the world, yet always arrived on time. He lived alone, and so to speak, outside of every social relation; and as he knew that in this world there must be friction, and since friction slows things down, he never rubbed against anybody.† (Verne 14-15)

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Lincoln: An American Historical Drama Film by Steven Spielberg Essay

Lincoln is a 2012 American historical drama film directed and produced by Steven Spielberg, starring Daniel Day-Lewis as United States President Abraham Lincoln and Sally Field as Mary Todd Lincoln. The film is based in part on Doris Kearns Goodwin’s biography of Lincoln, Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln, and covers the final four months of Lincoln’s life, focusing on the President’s efforts in January 1865 to have the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution passed by the United States House of Representatives. Lincoln begins a year before the end of the civil war with the movie’s only battle scene. It’s a minute of the bloody, hand-to-hand combat at Jenkins’ Ferry, Arkansas. Then two black soldiers recall the battle while talking to Lincoln about the future of the Union. In January 1865, and United States President Abraham Lincoln had just started his second term in office as an extremely popular leader, especially among his supporters. However, the country is in disorder with the Civil War entering its fourth year and having taken the lives of many a soldier on both sides. Lincoln believes that passing of the Thirteenth Amendment of the Constitution; This would declare that â€Å"neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction†, would most importantly achieve something he strongly believed in, but also end the war since slavery was a large reason for it. The Amendment already passed in the Senate, and was scheduled for vote in the House of Representatives at the end of the month. While he is assured of yes votes from his fellow Republicans, he and his team had to work hard under the radar to assure enough yes votes from Democrats, which will require compromise in other areas. But other factors may also come into play on the vote, such as the Confederate forces in the war issuing their own compromise to end the war but keep slavery. Meanwhile, Lincoln also deals with hostile relationship with wife Mary Todd Lincoln and their latest situation in oldest son Robert leaving law school to enlist. From personal experience, President Lincoln is thought of as one of the most influential and best president throughout history. Abolishing slavery really put the nation on its path to unity and the superpower it is today. Even though throughout history after that historical event there has been several steps taken to further his actions to make black and whites and equal part f society, abolishing slavery was the largest and most influential step. After watching this film, it became evident that President Lincoln was an extremely well respected man and made the hard decisions that he knew wouldn’t be popular at the time because of how the country was structured. The film illustrated that Lincoln was wise beyond his years and knew that his decisions would impact the nation in a positive manner for the rest of time. Pre sident Lincoln’s leadership skills were evident and were the major theme in the film. From the beginning of the movie, from his wife to his cabinet members, everyone was trying to convince him that getting rid of slavery wasn’t going to happen and he will lose the approval of his country by pushing the issue. Slavery in the United States was a way of life up to that point. Blacks were not considered equal and were looked at more as property than people. From the first President until Lincoln’s time everyone including the past presidents had slaves. Slaves were a major part of the economy because of the labor power that was being utilized. Slaves were used as servants, worked in the fields for countless hours and used for everyday jobs that today are vital occupations. With the 13th Amendment, slaves would be freed of their unpaid work and would now have to be compensated for their time and would cause many people to lose money. Of course such an immense decision to change the entire culture of the country would be hated by a majority of the people. President Lincoln felt strongly about the issue and was looking at the big picture of the country, not the present, which is why he is considered one of the best presidents of all time. Being a leader means not always making the popular decision. It’s making the hard decisions that are not always the popular one, but the one that will directly or indirectly benefit, in President Lincoln’s case, the country as a whole. Even in today’s society there is still racism and controversy between ethnicities. Until the 1950s, not too long ago, there was still segregation and blacks were not looked at as equals. After watching this movie, these themes really stood out and hit home about how far the country has come since President Lincoln made one of the most historical decisions of all time. His leadership skills are evident throughout the course of the movie by being able to sway the decisions of both parties into standing by his decision and believing in him that the 13th Amendment was the right thing. I would absolutely recommend this movie to everyone, young or old, because of the history that’s behind it. The scene of the movie that really stood out was in the end of the film when the votes were being cast and the leader of the house asked to cast his vote. He was called out by a Democrat that was against the amendment because it was an irregular occurrence for him to cast a vote but responded with, â€Å"This is a historical event. † President Lincoln changed history and this country forever. Even though it took over a century to get to where we are as a country today and many major events occurring in between, President Lincoln was arguably in my opinion the indirect forefather of the civil rights movement and one of the most influential men in history.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Divergent Suggested Essays Essay

Suggested Essay Questions 1.In what ways does Tris’s identity develop over the course of the novel? Tris began the novel timid and unsure of herself and her desires, which was characteristic of her Abnegation upbringing: she was never allowed to focus on herself, so she never knew exactly what she wanted. Upon choosing Dauntless her bravery obviously begins to blossom, but she experiences some other changes as well. She forges friendships and relationships central to her identity, with people who bring out the best in her. And she learns that though she has chosen another faction, she can still be selfless; and indeed she is, time and time again. By the end of the novel, she is fully aware of herself as Divergent – someone who does not fit in, but who cannot be controlled. The events of the end of the novel reinforce who she has been – selfless – and who she wants to become – brave. There are many significant experiences to discuss, both good and bad, that shaped Tris as a person throughout her time in Dauntless. 2.Compare and contrast this rigidly structured society with our own. What are the pros and cons of each? Does one provide a more effective lifestyle than the other? The distinctions between Tris’s society and our own are very apparent; their idea of becoming a good person involves selecting one virtue to cultivate their entire lives, while for us, being good and morally sound involves a mixture of all of their faction virtues and more. Socially, we have much more freedom of choice, but is that freedom always a good thing? Studying any of the five virtues of Tris’s world can indeed have positive effects on one’s life. It all depends on perspective; either could be seen as the more effective lifestyle, depending on how you look at it, but the faction system certainly makes some significant missteps in trying to control and direct a person’s identity and humanity. 3.Discuss the soundness of a government run only by a single faction. Is Jeanine Matthews truly wrong for calling for greater representation, or is it better to keep administration in the hands of the selfless? This is certainly a far cry from our system of democracy. While having the innately selfless run the government seems like a respectable idea in theory, in practice it may fall short. Abnegation do not have the same goals in life as Erudite, Candor, Amity, or Dauntless, so therefore it is natural that their administration is called into question. Perhaps a system with equal representation from every faction would be a better strategy; though policy would not consist of extremely selfless acts, sometimes representatives do have to be selfish advocates for their people. And with everyone having a say, there would be much less chance of a rebellion the size of Erudite’s. Jeanine wasn’t entirely wrong in what she preached, but she certainly went about it the wrong way, and Abnegation wasn’t to blame for a system that had been flawed from the start. 4.What are the benefits of sorting people into social groups the way the factions are sorted? What are the drawbacks? We tend to subconsciously sort ourselves into groups regardless; we gravitate towards people with similar interests as us, people with similar backgrounds, people who look like us. With a society organized into groups, citizens are always surrounded by like-minded people, and there is a much greater chance of getting along with those who think like you. On the other hand, though, that separation can promote intolerance and prejudice, which is obviously apparent in the novel; all the factions shunned the values of their competitors, promoting a far too separated way of life. 5.There are only five factions; are there any other human virtues missing from the list? Why would these be necessary in well-rounded citizens? Valuing only honesty, selflessness, peacefulness, bravery, and intelligence seems like a very small slice of the vast majority of honorable human virtues. Another faction could exist based on loyalty; many of the problems  in Tris’s world (and our own) are caused by betrayal and distrust. A faction based on diligence could ensure that all its citizens are hardworking and productive. And there could also be a faction based on creativity, which shapes the mind in many ways the other factions do not. 6.Discuss Tris Prior as our protagonist. Is she a reliable narrator? Does she always tell the truth? Are we constrained by her point of view? Tris is typically a very straightforward narrator, though perhaps her point of view is often clouded by her own personal prejudices. We do not get a good sense of Peter’s character, for instance, because she is always so determined to hate him; perhaps there is more to him than meets the eye. We’re certainly constrained by her perspective, only knowing what she knows at any given time. We solve the mysteries of Four, her mother, and the Erudite-Abnegation feud only as soon as she does, because the story is told only from her first person perspective. The limits of this perspective does allow for some mystery and tension, though, as well as the strong impression of Tris as a hero. 7.What significance do Tris’s relationships have in her life? Various relationships begin to blossom for Tris only after she’s left Abnegation. Her family is broken apart, but at a distance she seems to get even closer to her mother, learning more about her past than she ever knew before. In Abnegation, Tris never had true friendships, but in Dauntless she becomes close to Will, Christina, Al, Uriah, and some of the other initiates. Without them, she wouldn’t have had the support she needed to get through initiation. And finally, her relationship with Four has changed her in many ways; she’s been given someone to open up to, who in turn opens up to her, and for a person with as much to deal with as Tris, this is absolutely essential. 8.Compare and contrast Peter and Jeanine Matthews as antagonists. Who would be considered the central antagonist? Both Peter and Jeanine serve as Tris’s enemies, but in very different ways. Peter is more present throughout the novel, causing trouble for Tris during initiation, her most immediate concern. But Jeanine is an antagonist on a larger scale; though she doesn’t make an actual appearance until late in the novel, we know she’s been behind the growing rebellion of the Erudite and the hunt for Divergent. Jeanine’s aims and the reach of her grasp lead to something much, much larger than a struggle for ranking during initiation. For this reason, only Jeanine can be considered the central antagonist. 9.In what ways is the brewing war between Abnegation and Erudite reminiscent of our societal power struggles? Though the battle at the culmination of the novel is fought with high-tech innovations like simulations, the circumstances that caused it can be easily compared to the power struggles in our own society. It starts with a group of people believing they’ve been treated unjustly, with an unfairly small amount of say in government, and ends with a bloody battle to determine who stays and who goes. Revolutions and major modern-day wars begin in much the same way. Jeanine Matthews is representative of the persuasive, charismatic, and intelligent leader who is able to convince her people to rally against another group; in this case, Abnegation. Jeanine’s method of manipulation through propaganda (false claims about Abnegation) and disrespect for others based on a perceived difference or lack mirrors fascist leaders from history. 10.Which theme in the novel would you consider the most significant, and why? Though many major themes in Divergent are prevalent, the one that constantly comes into play is the theme of identity and how one’s choices determine self. Tris is constantly making choices that define who she is, starting with the major one on Choosing Day and continuing throughout initiation, ending with her decision not to shoot Tobias in the control room in order to stop the simulation. Her identity develops further with every decision, and eventually she learns that she can truly be brave and selfless at the same time. This theme applies to other characters as well; Caleb, for instance, chose to switch to Erudite in order to stay true to his own identity, but  eventually returns to Abnegation because he decides that Erudite’s plans were wrong, and he could not be a part of it. Each and every character in the novel makes at least one choice that aids in determining their identity; therefore, this theme is extremely significant.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Powers of the Constitution essays

Powers of the Constitution essays By the late 1780s many Americans had grown dissatisfied with the Confederation. It was unable to deal effectively with economic problems and weak in the face of Shays Rebellion. A decade earlier, Americans had deliberately avoided creating a strong national government. Now they reconsidered. In 1787, the nation produced a new constitution and a new, much more powerful government with three independent branches. The government the Constitution produced has survived far more than two centuries as one of the most stable and most successful in the world. The Articles of Confederation and the Constitution resembled each other in some cases and differed from each other greatly in other aspects. The Articles of Confederation were a foundation for the Constitution. Sometimes even called the Pre-Constitution. It was really the first step to a strong federal government. However, the Confederation, which existed from 1781 until 1789, was not a big success. It lacked power to deal with interstate issues, to enforce its will on states, and had little stature in the eyes of the world. It was time for a revision, a new perspective, and a radical change in our government system. This begins the formation of the Constitution. The main goal of this document was to create a strong, effective central government. Since this was not the goal of the founding fathers, in some ways they had to start from scratch. Many changes were made from the Articles of Confederation. The Constitution laid the foundation for a nation and not a loose association of states. Under the Articles, Congress was not authorized to raise money by taxation. Contrary, the Constitution allowed collection and levy taxes (the power of the purse). The Constitution differed by demanded a strong national executive. This executive was elected by an electoral college, based upon population and number of representatives selected by state legisla...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Definition and Examples of Expeditio in Rhetoric

Definition and Examples of Expeditio in Rhetoric Definition In an argument, the rhetorical term expeditio refers to the rejection of all but one of various alternatives. Also known as elimination,  the argument from residuals, the method of residues, and (in George Puttenhams phrase) the speedy dispatcher. An orator or persuader or pleader should go roundly to work, says George Puttenham, and by a quick and swift argument  dispatch his persuasion, and, as they are wont to say, not to stand all day trifling to no purpose, but to rid it out of the way quickly (The Arte of English Poesie,  1589). See Examples and Observations below. Also see: ArgumentationEnumeratioListingLogos Examples and Observations Elimination (or expeditio) occurs when we have enumerated the several ways in which something could have been brought about, and all are then discarded except the one on which we are insisting. (Caplan: Cicero, Quintilian, and Aristotle all regard this as a form of argument, not a figure. It is known in modern argumentation as the Method of Residues.)(James J. Murphy, Rhetoric in the Middle Ages: A History of Rhetorical Theory From Saint Augustine to the Renaissance. University  of California Press, 1974)Expeditio is when the speaker enumerates the reasons which may serve to prove something either possible or impossible, and after setting aside all the others, selects that reason which is valid and conclusive. It is frequently used in partitions.(George Winfred Hervey, A System of Christian Rhetoric. Harper, 1873) Richard Nixons Expeditio[M]uch more powerful in argument is expeditio, the device of setting out numbered options and then eliminating all but the one preferred . . .. [R ichard] Nixon uses this elimination logic in his speech justifying military combat in Cambodia, 1970: Now confronted with this situation [supplies coming from Cambodia], we have three options. First we can do nothing. . . . Our second choice is to provide massive military assistance to Cambodia itself. . . . Our third choice is to go to the heart of the trouble (Windt 1983, 138). Almost always, the final option is the preferred option.(Jeanne Fahnestock, Rhetorical Style: The Uses of Language in Persuasion. Oxford University Press, 2011) Anselm of Canterburys Expeditio: The Origin of Created ThingsMedieval scholastic theologians also attempted to prove creation ex nihilo by means of reason without any appeal to Scripture. An example of this was Anselms rational argument in his Monologion. He raised the question of the origin of created things. Logically, Anselm offered three possible answers: If . . . the totality of things visible and invisible is out of some material, it can only be . . . out of either the supreme nature, or out of itself, or out of some third essence. He quickly dismissed the third option because there just is no third essence. By process of elimination, this left two possibilities. He further dismissed the possibility that matter is from itself, reasoning: Again, everything that is out of matter is out of something other than itself and is posterior to [after] it. But because nothing is other than itself, or posterior to itself, it follows, therefore, that nothing is out of itself as material. B y process of elimination, this left only one option: The totality of things must exist out of the supreme nature.(Gregg R. Allison, Historical Theology: An Introduction to Christian Doctrine. Zondervan, 2011) Jimmie Dales ExpeditioTight-lipped, Jimmie Dale stared out at the black, flying walls as the subway train roared its way back to lower New York. He had been properly done! There could be no question about that. But by whom? And why? What did it mean? Intuition, even back there in The White Rat, had warned him that something was wrong, but he would in no way have been justified in being swayed wholly by intuition. He could not in justice blame himself for that. What was it? What was the meaning of it? Something had happened somewherebut not at The White Rat. And he had been very neatly side-tracked. All that was obvious.Was it Mother Margot? He shook his head. She had never yet double-crossed him, and he did not believe that she would dare to do so. Even her visit to the Sanctuary tonight, and her very evident wholesome respect for the Gray Seal, not to say fear, was almost proof in itself, it would seem, that she had not deliberately tried to mislead him.What, then? There seemed to be only one logical explanation left. The Phantom. It would not have been altogether a new move on the Phantoms part, for, while not wholly analogous, the man had in a way tried the same game before. The Phantom knew only too well, and to his cost, that there had been a leak somewhere in his entourage, a leak that had brought the Gray Seal very inopportunely on his heels more than once.(Frank L. Packard, Jimmie Dale and the Phantom Clue, 1922)

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Programa refugiados CAM Honduras, Salvador y Guatemala

Programa refugiados CAM Honduras, Salvador y Guatemala Por orden del gobierno de los Estados Unidos, las autoridades migratorias han puesto fin al programa que permità ­a solicitar  estatus de refugiado para nià ±os ciudadanos centroamericanos de El Salvador, Guatemala o Honduras y que se conocà ­a por el nombre de CAM (Programa de refugiados menores centroamericanos, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Desde el 9 de noviembre de 2017 se han dejado de aceptar solicitudes. Las à ºltimas entrevistas en relacià ³n con este programa se harn con fecha de 31 de enero de 2018. A partir de ese dà ­a, las personas con peticiones presentadas pero sin entrevista recibirn una nota con instrucciones adicionales. Por esta razà ³n este artà ­culo sobre el programa CAM ya no tiene validez y su informacià ³n se refiere solo a cà ³mo era el programa. Cà ³mo era el programa CAM antes del 9 de noviembre de 2017 Si se aprobaba  la solicitud, los nià ±os podrà ­an viajar legalmente a Estados Unidos y permanecer en el paà ­s. En este artà ­culo se explica quà © requisitos debà ­an  reunir los padres para poder solicitar este estatus para sus   hijos, quà © requisitos debà ­an  cumplir los hijos, quà © otras personas podà ­an  beneficiarse, cà ³mo se tramitaba y cules eran las estadà ­sticas. Quià ©n podà ­a  solicitar que sus hijos ingresen a Estados Unidos como refugiados El primer paso era  que el padre o la madre que era quien podà ­a realizar la peticià ³n, estuviera presente en los Estados Unidos legalmente.   Se entiende que se est legalmente si se est en alguna de las siguientes categorà ­as: residente permanente legalTPS o estatus de proteccià ³n temporalbeneficiario de DACA, es decir, llegà ³ a Estados Unidos siendo nià ±o, aplicà ³ por la Accià ³n Diferida y à ©sta le fue aprobada.cancelacià ³n de la deportacià ³n definitiva o temporal, o lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como withholding of removal o deferred enforced deportation. Quà © requisitos debà ­a  reunir el menor para ser pedido como refugiado por este programa En primer lugar, tenà ­a  que ser ciudadano de Guatemala, Honduras o El Salvador. En cuanto a la edad, originalmente se pedà ­a que fuera soltero menor de 21 aà ±os, pero despuà ©s se admitieron  peticiones para mayores de dicha edad, pero tenà ­an que ser solteros. Adems, la relacià ³n entre padre/madre e hijo podà ­a  ser biolà ³gica o por adopcià ³n. Tambià ©n se permità ­a solicitar a los hijastros, si se cumplà ­an una serie de requisitos. En el caso de relacià ³n biolà ³gica se deberà ­a  pasar un control de ADN. Inicialmente se tiene que pagar por este examen, pero si resultaba positivo se regresar el dinero. Quà © otras personas podà ­an  beneficiarse del programa CAM Originalmente, se podà ­a incluir en la peticià ³n del hijo o de la hija a 2 categorà ­as de personas: El padre o la madre que lo cuidaba en Honduras, Guatemala o El Salvador siempre y cuando estuviera legalmente casado con el padre o la madre que hace la peticià ³n. Los hijos solteros que el hijo pedido pudiera tener, es decir, los nietos de la persona que realizaba la peticià ³n.   Pero a partir de un cambio en el programa ya no era  necesario que el padre que pide desde Estados Unidos estuviera legalmente casado con el que cuida al hijo en Honduras, Guatemala o El Salvador.   Adems, se podà ­a  pedir a otros cuidadores del hijo, como por ejemplo abuelos o tà ­os Cà ³mo se tramitaba la peticià ³n CAM de refugio para menores centroamericanos El padre o la madre que estaba  legalmente en Estados Unidos debà ­a llenar el formulario DS-7699 al cual se podà ­a acceder sà ³lo   contactando con una Oficina de Reasentamiento. El trmite era gratuito. El menor debà ­a  ser entrevistado en su paà ­s de origen y si se aprobaba la peticià ³n podà ­a ingresar a Estados Unidos como refugiado. Tambià ©n podà ­a  suceder que el oficial consular no aprobase la peticià ³n. En estos casos hubo un tiempo en que era posible que se concediera un permiso de residencia temporal humanitario de carcter temporal. Es decir, serà ­a vlido por un tiempo pero no era un camino hacia la residencia permanente (green card). Sin embargo, el gobierno del presidente Trump le puso fin a este permiso humanitario con fecha de agosto de 2017. Tambià ©n era  posible que el menor pasara un tiempo en Costa Rica durante la tramitacià ³n de los papeles. Las estadà ­sticas del programa CAM Aunque ms de 9.000 solicitudes fueron  presentadas, menos de 3,000 fueron aprobadas y ms de1.500  personas han ingresado en Estados Unidos bajo este programa que comenzà ³ en diciembre de 2014.  ¿Cul era la razà ³n de la existencia de este programa? Principalmente por dos razones: Para intentar limitar la crisis de la frontera, principalmente con la llegada masiva de nià ±os solos sin ser acompaà ±ados por adultos y procedentes del rea que se conoce como Tringulo Norte (Honduras, Guatemala  y El Salvador).   Y tambià ©n intentar que los migrantes no sufran  violaciones, secuestros, amenazas, mutilaciones, golpizas y todo tipo de tropelà ­as (e incluso asesinatos) en su paso desde sus paà ­ses de origen y a travà ©s de Mà ©xico en su camino hacia el Norte y evitar situaciones de riesgo para sus personas causadas por la violencia de las pandillas en sus paà ­ses de origen Precisamente en situaciones de crisis humanitaria  son frecuentes los fraudes provocados por personas que prometen arreglar papeles cuando simplemente no es el caso. Para evitarlos,  es posible obtener informacià ³n directa de los organismos que llevan asuntos migratorios u obtener buenas referencias de abogados a bajo coste u organizaciones de ayuda a migrantes. Es fundamental evitar abusos. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Questions - Essay Example king in a different division, the permission of both supervisors must first be sought, in order to maintain an effective line of control and only after the two supervisors agree on the collaboration, the respective team members can collaborate with each other. The argument offered in support of this position is that information may sometimes need to be kept confidential within a particular division or group, which justifies such policing. If I was the CEO of this organization, I would apply a different set of rules to such collaborations between individuals performing different organizational roles. I would utilize the tools provided by software such as wikis, to set up online areas where users can collaborate with others across the organization and modify information on websites for use by others. In this way, there is scope provided for free exchange of information and collaboration within the organization, so that the existing organizational boundaries between divisions are dissolved automatically. In the present day framework, effective communication within an organization is vital, although the confidentiality must also be preserved. Too much hierarchical control over collaboration between individuals may undermine the free flow of information, however the use of wikis offers a less rigidly policed boundary, which could be beneficial to the firm. 2. Hodgkinson and Johnson (1994) offer the argument that there is likely to be a greater degree of heterogeneity existing among organizations that function in task environments, which are more competitive. The task environment relates to those market factors that play a role in the functioning of a business. In a manufacturing organization, task pressures are higher because they are conditioned by market forces, especially in the retail sector which needs to be responsive to fluctuating customer demand. In the case of Zara, the clothing retailer, the organizational manages the competitive pressures in the

Queer Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Queer Theory - Essay Example Queer Theory presumes that sexual characteristics that are a function of representations. It assumes that representations pre-exist and define, as well as complicate and disrupt sexual identities. Queer theory results in an effort to speak from and to the differences and silences that have been suppressed by the homo-hetero binary, an effort to unpack the monolithic identities 'lesbian' and 'gay' including the intricate ways lesbian and gay sexualities are inflected by heterosexuality, race, gender and ethnicity.' Queer theory allows us to examine Western culture and problematize its approach to attributing everyone to not only certain behaviour's but identities and its tendency to label, box and categorise. Queer theory also seeks to not only break down gender roles, sexual order and dichotomies but break down the very thoughts around sexuality in regard to biology and reproduction. Much discussion in queer theory has been cantered on the issue of spectatorship. In her frequently quoted and highly influential essay 'Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema,' Laura Mulvey (1975) described how dominant cinema codes have been constructed by a patriarchal system of looking and the desire to obtain and consume. The gaze championed by Mulvey (p.11) is assumed to be male, white and heterosexual, and therefore endowed with the power and privilege enjoyed by white and heterosexual men in a patriarchal society. In essence, she contends that in a classic narrative film, the subject of the narrative and the gaze, is male; woman functions as spectacle, the object of the gaze. In terms of spectatorship, the viewer is split between these two positions - the male subject and the female object of the gaze. Hence, being the spectator - identifying with the subject of the narrative and the gaze, presents a difficulty for female viewers (Mulvey, p.11). However, when Mulvey penned this article, she seemed to have neglected the presence of queer audience; her account of the sexual hierarchy of narrative cinema has been challenged by many critics who have insisted that identification can also occur across gender and sexual demarcations (Smyth, 1995, p.125) As Doty (p.151) argues, all texts are open to multiple interpretations; queer readings of texts are not alternative or sub-cultural readings, but readings to position side by side to normatively straight readings. "Boys Don't Cry" is arguable the earliest mainstream movie that is based on a real life story, to scrutinize the female to male transvestism. The 'gender as performance' notion is explicitly depicted in Boys Don't Cry; in the opening sequence, Brandon (Hilary Swank) is seen grooming and gearing up for her date. The idea of performance in this sequence seem to have a dual connotation, besides performance as in portraying a male role, I see performance here also as theatrical presentation where the socks for her crotch and the cowboy hat are seen as her props, and her cousin Lonny (Matt McGrath), and spectators of the film are the audience. Further into the film, when admiring Brandon's facial features, Lana (Chloe Sevigny)'s mum (Jeannetta Arnette) commented that Brandon looks like 'like a movie star', further emphasizing the performative nature of her gender to the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Does FIFA bring an economic upturn in countries hosting the world cup Essay

Does FIFA bring an economic upturn in countries hosting the world cup - Essay Example world Cup was estimated to have added the GDP to Brazil of at least $ 30 billion, and (Baumann, Engelhardt & Matheson (2012), argues that the world cup results in temporary upsurge in real employment, while Pillay & Bass (2008) point out that perhaps they are motivated by the need to reduce poverty. There is a great debate on the real economic potential for the host nation of the FIFA World Cup; critics of its economic potential argue that the 32-day tournament results in costs that outweigh the real economic benefits (Lee & Taylor, 2005). Conversely, proponents point out that the tournament has an impressive quantifiable real economic plus to the economy (Baade, & Matheson, 2004). Obviously, high number of travelling fans contributes to tourism, which will ead to sufficient infrastructures, security as well as the boost of morale brought by the good feeling of hosting the World Cup (Crnelissen, 2014). At the end of 2010 the organization had generated 4.189 billion dollars and addition 3.6 billion dollars from World cup not directly related to world Cup (Federation Internationale de Football Association, 2007). This paper by concentrating on some of the most significant economic aspects that greatly contributes to the growth of a country (Andreff, 2012). The paper further relates these aspects to the World Cup and the impact it has on them. The paper is divided into three sections; theoretical framework, the methodology and the findings of the study. In this section, the paper proposes four major economic indicators, which are used to determine the upturn or downturn of an economy. Further, FIFA’s impact on the economy will be defined from point of view of these indicators. An intricate discussion on the four indicators shall ensue below in this section. A number of macroeconomic models have been proposed to be effective in the study of the real economic benefits of the FIFA World Cup to the host nation economy. Alhert (2001) used the input-output model to

Advance process Engineering Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Advance process Engineering - Assignment Example (I) Any value in a pump system can be taken as an outlet. Therefore, taking point j to be an outlet, it the head loss of the point can be calculated from the point j as; †¦(II) Therefore the flow velocities in the pumps will be given as; †¦. (III) †¦ (IV) †¦ (V) The friction factors in the respective pipes can be calculated using Colebrook equation as below †¦ (VI) †¦ (VII) †¦. (VIII) Question 3 a) i.) Such high pressure is needed to provide the propelling force of the gas and to reduce the volume of the gas being transported. ... This is achieved by putting a given quantity of a solid into appropriate conditions that result in solid/fluid mixture to have properties of a fluid. The relationship developed to predict the minimum fluidizing velocity is mainly based on experimental work, despite the fact that many of its important applications is in high temperature locations. According to the tests to show the relationship between fluidization over a range of given temperature, there is a marked discrepancy between prediction and the value of the measured velocity when physical properties values are used appropriating the operating conditions. There is a relationship between the pressure drop across the fluidized bed and buoyant weight per unit area in that the pressure drops is approximately equal to buoyant weight per unit area. There are two approaches in describing these two phenomena in which one considers the process of sedimentation occurring due to dense packing and the other considers the general velocit y of the particles. For either consideration, bed voidage is necessary at minimum fluidization. Voidage refers to the function to the particle distribution, particle size and particle shape. The voidage reduces with an increasing size distribution. Also, the operating temperature relates to the voidage in that as the bed voidage increases, there is a significant increase in operating temperature. During the experiment, the hot fluidized bed is contained in a 188 mm diameter stainless steel cylinder. The fluidization gas is then introduced into the bed through stainless steel distributor plates having a diameter of 0.5 and 1.0 mm drilled holes on a 6 mm 6 mm square pitch

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Personal Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Personal Philosophy - Essay Example Taking charge of these differences in abilities allows the teacher to take charge of the class and every learner at a personal level. This is crucial in tailoring the learning process to meet the abilities of each learner at an individual level, which ensures that none is left out. In relation to the individual interest of the learner, teaching takes care of the needs of the learner based on his or her interests and not based on the wishes of the teacher. This can be seen in cases where learners should not be forced to engage in activities that they do not like or those in which they are strongly opposed. Instead, learning should be enjoyable on all levels in that they are encouraged and drawn to do that which they find pleasure in rather than engaging in mass activities. Considering the common curriculum applied for young learners, it is not suited for this purpose but for pushing information into learners, which is also called rote learning. Rote learning and personal interests of the learners do not auger well with each other but instead push learners away from the education. In addition to the issue of interests and individualization, it is important to note the role of freedom in the learning process and the role of a teacher. ... Freedom in teaching granted by the teacher kills the boredom that conventional teaching and methods bring, which creates room for learners to explore areas and fields that interest them. Freedom coupled with exploration generates more knowledge as compared to rote learning in which learners only acquire what teachers plan for them (Sarah, 2010). Instead, learners get to collect information from the information and discover that which they like and which learning methods work best for them. This freedom in knowledge also changes the attitude of the learners towards education and teachers creating opportunities for learners and teachers to experience improved relations and support services. Creativity as a philosophy falls under the responsibility of both the learner and then teacher, but more heavily on the teacher. The teachers’ role in fostering creativity is to ensure freedom and allow learners to explore the environment as they interact with one another, where they receive inspiration to come up with their own ideas and interests. This creativity is a strong tool for both learners and teacher such that they can capitalize on it in relation to perception of concepts. This can be seen in cases where learners are allowed to express themselves concerning how they perceive certain objects and events in the environment. This assists in conceptualization of complex concepts that rote learning does not cater and allows individual attention in teaching. Without tapping into the creative ability of learners, the educational system might as well produce dummies, who only follow instruction with no sense of novelty as in the Lean Concept. This is such that the learners only follow the conventional ways

Prisoner's Dilemma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Prisoner's Dilemma - Essay Example The states of nature with no organization structures within the civil society are defined by â€Å""solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short" (Binmore 56). Hobbes reaction of individuals in the society with no social institutions and with natural states is further backed by the â€Å"Prisoner’s Dilemma† which also defines the behavior of individuals in the society in its natural state. This theory is founded on the individualism powers in the society. According to the prisoner’s dilemma theory, everyone in the society is after achieving personal interest and thus more individualistic and self-fish. This makes the society less productive that it would have been had all the individual been willing to cooperate for the benefit of the society as a whole. A perfect example is that of ‘free rider’ in the society. Free rider problem is presented in case of public goods which are non-rival and non-excludability. Therefore, once provided, the cost of excludi ng others from consuming it would even be more expensive. This makes some people (free rider) to take advantage and consume the goods without paying to them, hence making the provision of such goods more costly (Binmore 59). According to Hobbes, the most preferred and rational states of nature in a civil society are cooperation and aversion of the natural societal state. Every society that breeds individualism ends up losing on its development course because of the self-seeking nature of the people in such society. According to Hobbes, individuals utilize their rational and natural impulse to engage in social contracts as a way of avoiding the fear brought about by the state of nature. This involves giving up on the right to self-governance. Self-right is traded for sovereign at the expense of the society. Sovereignty comes with authority and power that members of the society are expected to obey whether the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Personal Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Personal Philosophy - Essay Example Taking charge of these differences in abilities allows the teacher to take charge of the class and every learner at a personal level. This is crucial in tailoring the learning process to meet the abilities of each learner at an individual level, which ensures that none is left out. In relation to the individual interest of the learner, teaching takes care of the needs of the learner based on his or her interests and not based on the wishes of the teacher. This can be seen in cases where learners should not be forced to engage in activities that they do not like or those in which they are strongly opposed. Instead, learning should be enjoyable on all levels in that they are encouraged and drawn to do that which they find pleasure in rather than engaging in mass activities. Considering the common curriculum applied for young learners, it is not suited for this purpose but for pushing information into learners, which is also called rote learning. Rote learning and personal interests of the learners do not auger well with each other but instead push learners away from the education. In addition to the issue of interests and individualization, it is important to note the role of freedom in the learning process and the role of a teacher. ... Freedom in teaching granted by the teacher kills the boredom that conventional teaching and methods bring, which creates room for learners to explore areas and fields that interest them. Freedom coupled with exploration generates more knowledge as compared to rote learning in which learners only acquire what teachers plan for them (Sarah, 2010). Instead, learners get to collect information from the information and discover that which they like and which learning methods work best for them. This freedom in knowledge also changes the attitude of the learners towards education and teachers creating opportunities for learners and teachers to experience improved relations and support services. Creativity as a philosophy falls under the responsibility of both the learner and then teacher, but more heavily on the teacher. The teachers’ role in fostering creativity is to ensure freedom and allow learners to explore the environment as they interact with one another, where they receive inspiration to come up with their own ideas and interests. This creativity is a strong tool for both learners and teacher such that they can capitalize on it in relation to perception of concepts. This can be seen in cases where learners are allowed to express themselves concerning how they perceive certain objects and events in the environment. This assists in conceptualization of complex concepts that rote learning does not cater and allows individual attention in teaching. Without tapping into the creative ability of learners, the educational system might as well produce dummies, who only follow instruction with no sense of novelty as in the Lean Concept. This is such that the learners only follow the conventional ways

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Baroque Arts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Baroque Arts - Essay Example The artistic styles adopted by Bernini and Poussin both show a huge number of differences that may be attributed to the divergent background of these two artists. Good examples of the respective arts by these two artists are The Sacrament of Penance that displays a sinful woman requesting, while on her knees, for supplication, and The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa that shows Teresa’s face with an angel’s embodiment. These are examples of religious paintings that show a wide disparity in form of art used by these two artists who graced the world of art at an almost same time.Priorities: while Bernini was of Italian origin-a stronghold for the Catholic Church, Poussin hailed from France. As such, Bernini’s artistic displays were mainly centered on religious beliefs. His subject matter was majorly focused towards bringing out a religious theme. His executed works, in form of paintings and sculptures, were as well showed a major interest in myths of human, and in general s ocietal existence. Bernini considered dynamism in creating his sculptures and aimed at inviting the viewers to form a part of the scene that was being displayed. Energy and a sense of motion always formed a part of his paintings and sculptures as these were a part of human existence. The figures created by Bernini occasionally possessed a strain of muscle, a flow of hair, swirling motions among others and were always constructed in a diagonal format to emphasize to the audience the essence of movement in the society.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Inventory Accounting Essay Example for Free

Inventory Accounting Essay 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Inventory costs: The use of LIFO for determining inventory costs under International Accounting Standards is prohibited, while it is permitted under US GAAP. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Reversal of inventory write downs: Under IAS, it is required if certain criteria are met whereas US GAAP strictly prohibits it. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Basis of Inventory valuation: Under IAS, the inventory is carried at the lower of cost or net realizable value (NRV). Under US GAAP, Carried at the lower of cost and market (market is the lower of replacement cost and NRV minus normal profit margin). 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Whether the costs of idle capacity and spoilage can be included in inventory Under IAS, it is prohibited. Under US GAAP, it is permitted. The change to IAS will avoid the biggest disadvantage of US GAAP that is; it permits LIFO to be used for inventory valuation where the oldest inventory costs are assigned to the inventory account which, when prices are changing can result in an inventory value that does not reflect the true current value. Also, in case of shift to IAS, US companies will not be able to show lower profits by using LIFO when prices are rising. US GAAP helped the companies to reduce their payment of taxes. Under US GAAP, extraordinary items are permitted but restricted to infrequent, unusual and rare items that affect profit and loss. However, it is prohibited under IAS. Thus, extraordinary items give companies somewhat of a hall pass with the markets, allowing them to sometimes report lower earnings but get credit for higher earnings. Obviously, it is tempting for companies to try to report every bad thing that happens as an extraordinary item. This can be avoided once IAS is in place. IAS is more comprehensive and clear. It would avoid misinterpretation by the companies.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Napoleon Bonaparte’s Invasion of Russia Essay -- European History Russ

Napoleon’s Invasion of Russia Napoleon Bonaparte’s invasion of Russia was a major factor in his downfall. In 1812, Napoleon, whose alliance with Alexander I had disintegrated, launched an invasion into Russia that ended in a disastrous retreat from Moscow. Thereafter, all of Europe, including his own allies, Austria and Prussia, united against him. Although he continued to fight, the odds he faced were impossible. In April 1814, Napoleon’s own marshals refused to continue the struggle and stepped down from their positions. During the actual Russian campaign, there were many key factors that greatly impacted his downfall. The largest army ever assembled for one single invasion was reduced to a mere fraction of its original size. Because of the rebellions from his allies, Austria and Prussia, Napoleon had to fight a war on both the western and the eastern front. The losses he suffered in Russia greatly affected his future campaigns. Throughout his reign, Napoleon was able to overcome many obstacles that others before him could have only dreamed. One was the idea of having a United Europe under France. With his Grand Armà ©e, Napoleon had already conquered, and was controlling an enormous amount of Europe, such as Switzerland, the Confederation of the Rhine, Austria, and the Grand Duchy of Warsaw (Broers, 47). These countries, or provinces, made up the bulk of central Europe. Napoleon had recently ended a war with Spain, and now had signed a peace treaty with them. In 1805, France, under Napoleon, and Russia, under Alexander I, signed the Treaty of Tilsit. The treaty was one of peace under certain conditions. Russia was prohibited to trade with England, and they were also obligated to turn over some of their land to France (Elting, 63). The territory that France gained control over was the Grand Duchy of Warsaw. The treaty was extremely harsh on Russia. The prohibition of trade with England greatly affected the economy of Russia. The Continental System, which Napoleon instituted, prohibited trade with England. Alexander I violated the Treaty of Tilsit by renewing trade with England. Napoleon invaded Russia in an attempt to force Czar Alexander I to abide by the Treaty of Tilsit (Web, Russian Embassy). The summer of 1812 was an ideal time for Napoleon to begin an invasion. Russia’s economy was weak due to the trade embargo and other internal problem s.... ..., New York. 1997. 4. Palmer, R. France Under Napoleon. Princeton University Press, New Jersey. 1990. Internet: 1. Connelly, Owen. Tempe of Napoleon. 2. Minard. Napoleon's Invasion of Russia, 1812. 3. Russian Embassy. Napoleon’s Invasion of Russia. 4. Saglamer, Emin. 1812: Napoleon's March to Russia. 5. Unknown. Napoleon is Russia: 1812. The map, based on the 1869 chart by Minard, graphically illustrates (both literally and figuratively) how the size of the French army dwindled during the march into Russia and was reduced to almost nothing on the wretched rout back into Poland. The map can be read in several ways. The size of the peach colored bar indicates the relative strength of the French army during the march on Moscow. The black bar shows the dwindling French army during the retreat. In the lower portion of the map, the temperature in degrees Celsius is shown, along with dates during the retreat.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

How the Media Distorts Male Self-Perception Essay -- Exploratory Essay

How the Media Distorts Male Self-Perception Women are insecure. They constantly diet and scrutinize their bodies. They fall victims to the anorexically thin models appearing in the media. Why do men have it so easy? For years these questions are what women asked themselves. In a world where appearance is everything, women have been the main source of all the hype concerning the image and body. Advertisements have been criticized for years about putting the pressures of the â€Å"perfect† body into the heads of millions of women. Up until a few years ago, it was believed that only women had the eyes of society on them. Now the scales are balancing. More men are beginning to feel pressured, by the same society, to have a muscular body and to portray a perfect male image. However, some men are taking this pressure to the extremes. The media is having a negative effect on the way men view their bodies making them feel as if they need to look like the models shown, which can often result in muscle dysm orphia. Through exposure to the media, primarily advertisements and movies, the physical appearance of the male body has drastically changed, from barely seeing the torso to men in their briefs. In past decades, the male body was portrayed in a â€Å"rugged† sort of way (Luciano 4). It didn’t matter how many muscles the man had or the degree of atonement, but the way that the man carried himself. He was his own seller in a busy market. If he wanted to appear tough and manly, the way he presented and carried himself would make all the difference. For example, in the first two Rocky films, Rocky, played by Sylvester Stallone, is â€Å"beefy† yet buff (Law). He is the idol of women portrayed as ... ...s in Magazines.† Journal and Mass Communication Quarterly. Autumn 2002: 697-711. ABI/INFORM Global. Proquest Horn Lib., Babson Park, MA. 11 Feb.. 2003 . Luciano, Lynne. Looking Good: Male Body Image in Modern America. New York: Hill and Wang, 2001. Olivardia, Roberto. â€Å"Muscle Dysmorphia in Male Weightlifter: A Case Control Study.† American Journal of Psychiatry. Aug 2000: 1291-6. ABI/INFORM Global. Proquest Horn Lib., Babson Park, MA. 11 Feb 2003 . Pope, H.G.. â€Å"Muscle Dysmorphia: a New Syndrome in Weightlifter.† British Journal Of Sports Medicine. Oct. 2002: 375-8 Expanded Academic ASAP. Infotrac. Horn Lib., Babson Park, MA 11 Feb 2003

Friday, October 11, 2019

Knowledge to Cook Essay

India is popular in many sectors around the globe. Taste is one among them. For some people it is link to occasions and others as memories. They make fun and call their places with certain names like Chennai sambar, Hyderabad biryani, Mumbai vada pao, Rajasthan kachori many more. At colleges or work places as we meet different culture people and start calling out the person by their native food item names and behaviour is described by food items. Doctors say that eating good food helps for a good health but making the taste make much better health. These days the trend is the fast food culture where people forgot about their traditional food. This made India to face many health issues. This generation home makers and kids don’t know about their own traditional food followed from centuries. Some of them are interested in having those traditional foods but as of busy life’s these days they adopted the system of buying in home foods or sweet shops. Where the costs are high and less in quality. The best think ever I know to do is cooking and considered as creativity. Needs all senses to engage with cooking. I have a strong feeling that art of cooking is hereditary. In my family where my grandma’s and aunt’s have that skill of cooking traditional food. These indulge me to cooking when I was 8, simply by toasting a dose. Trying different recipes make me know about variant cultural food habits and nutrition value. Before cooking any dish I understand its own origin, history. I learnt that certain pattern styles is not enough for cooking but also need to select proper utensils. There is choice for anything even in cooking, vegetarian and non vegetarian. For me the best part of cooking easy is the non-veg items because that’s my favourite and I enjoy it a lot. Here comes the picture of technology ‘GURU’ for all ‘GOOGLE PROFESSOR’ usage started, gone through various web sites and experiments took place, continuing now even. As I’m a Telugu girl learned the basic cooking at home and now had no idea about the traditional items being cooked for the festivals. I’m interested in experimenting, so there the journey started for learning traditional cooking. Pongal festival time is the day we find the traditional cooking starts. When I visited to my grandparent’s village the preparation started and observed many different things over there.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Current Events in Business Research

Current Events in Business Research Lisa Andrews RES/351 September 10, 2012 Julie Bonner Current Events in Business Research The business research process is about learning everything there is to know about an organization, the consumers, competitors and the trade. The main points are trying to figure what products or services to offer, what consumers are likely to buy them, the region as to where to sell or buy them, and lastly the pricing. By following the important steps of business research a company is able to achieve these objectives. Business research was used in the military but in different ways. Is this a header?Or the Introduction to the paragraph? In any event, avoid having one sentence paragraphs Identifying Competitors – The mission of the military when it comes to new soldiers is to attract and retain quality soldiers. For instance the Army (the branch I was enlisted in) is facing tough competition when trying to maintain or attracting recruits and enlisted pers onal of all components and ranks. This is due to the low momentum of the recruiting efforts and potential recruits and that is why they are offering enlist or re-enlistment bonuses which is a financial incentive that is not given in the civilian hiring world.Since, the real world is their true competitors. Good problem to dissect! Studying Customers – The needs and wants of the new recruits and re- enlistment are very essential. So before initiating these incentive programs, I believe that the military would have to establish what the needs and wants are of enlist and re-enlistments. An essential point, just like a product is to make sure that when taking on this challenge that the solders needs are met in this process. That is why primary research is essential before making a decision on what works and what don’t work.The other Business Research Process includes: SWOT analysis, Studying the main audience, and lastly the application. Briefly what these state is that on ce the detailed information is collected then an analysis is used to study the opportunities, weakness and strengths of the incentive, and the possible threats that might arise. The threat to the military is number, the retention of soldiers. Then, once this process is done, and then time devoted to studying the research should fall into place.The recruiters then will need to seek out of the recruits and re-reenlistment that will respond positive to the incentives. This research can entail male versus female or ages (age) groups. This takes time and a lot of research. Finally, if the steps are taking properly, they can be very effective if the military uses them properly. This is a process that is a constant hard work. WAR, time, people, lifestyles, finances, etc†¦change constantly that is why it is imperative that the military conduct business research throughout the year. Nice work! Just a few grammatical items to watch out for next time! Grade = 95% Current Events in Business Research Current Events in Business Research Lisa Andrews RES/351 September 10, 2012 Julie Bonner Current Events in Business Research The business research process is about learning everything there is to know about an organization, the consumers, competitors and the trade. The main points are trying to figure what products or services to offer, what consumers are likely to buy them, the region as to where to sell or buy them, and lastly the pricing. By following the important steps of business research a company is able to achieve these objectives. Business research was used in the military but in different ways. Is this a header?Or the Introduction to the paragraph? In any event, avoid having one sentence paragraphs Identifying Competitors – The mission of the military when it comes to new soldiers is to attract and retain quality soldiers. For instance the Army (the branch I was enlisted in) is facing tough competition when trying to maintain or attracting recruits and enlisted pers onal of all components and ranks. This is due to the low momentum of the recruiting efforts and potential recruits and that is why they are offering enlist or re-enlistment bonuses which is a financial incentive that is not given in the civilian hiring world.Since, the real world is their true competitors. Good problem to dissect! Studying Customers – The needs and wants of the new recruits and re- enlistment are very essential. So before initiating these incentive programs, I believe that the military would have to establish what the needs and wants are of enlist and re-enlistments. An essential point, just like a product is to make sure that when taking on this challenge that the solders needs are met in this process. That is why primary research is essential before making a decision on what works and what don’t work.The other Business Research Process includes: SWOT analysis, Studying the main audience, and lastly the application. Briefly what these state is that on ce the detailed information is collected then an analysis is used to study the opportunities, weakness and strengths of the incentive, and the possible threats that might arise. The threat to the military is number, the retention of soldiers. Then, once this process is done, and then time devoted to studying the research should fall into place.The recruiters then will need to seek out of the recruits and re-reenlistment that will respond positive to the incentives. This research can entail male versus female or ages (age) groups. This takes time and a lot of research. Finally, if the steps are taking properly, they can be very effective if the military uses them properly. This is a process that is a constant hard work. WAR, time, people, lifestyles, finances, etc†¦change constantly that is why it is imperative that the military conduct business research throughout the year. Nice work! Just a few grammatical items to watch out for next time! Grade = 95%

Develop Good Study Habits Essay

During the past few years, students who maintain good study habits are becoming fewer and fewer. Social activities become more important than staying at home and study. Believe me; developing good habits these days are hard. With all the cool new stuff around, who wouldn’t want to skip studying and go explore this stuff? You may have had the habit of â€Å"play first before pay† Students these days consider studying as hassle, even though we’ve been lectured on how education is important to us. You may have realized that it’s time to develop good study habits. It’s never too late to develop good study habits, unless of course, you’re not studying anymore. Development takes time, especially when you’re trying to replace an old habit with a new one, as it turns out, developing good study habits from your former ineffective study habits will be considered as a rehab. When developing good study habits, you have to set time for everything. Plan a daily schedule. With all the activities you need to do such as assignments and projects, you can’t just remember them. Writing them down, and planning when to do it will be the most effective way to remember things. Even though you have a skill in remembering all those things, doing them in all one shot will only bring mediocre results. Also, taking notes in class is important, but we must always take notes with readable font because if you can’t read your notes, it’s pretty much useless. Notes are important; it helps you survive surprise tests, even not so surprising ones. If you’re going to develop good study habits, you should make it a habit of organizing your notes, and flipping over them every once in a while. Another effective thing to do with your notes, is to color code them. You can code them for each subject for example. Also, keep in mind to have a place for them. Making a schedule also helps in students’ main problem – procrastination. Procrastination has been the biggest problem of high school students nowadays. A project will be given a month before, but we do it the week before the deadline which only causes a very stressful week. Just as I have said, you should make it a habit of planning your activities that way you know when to do things. Yes, school is very stressful. But with good study habits, you can survive. Although some habits might affect your health, a very common one is staying up late. Balance is the key to everything. A sufficient amount of rest should equal to a sufficient amount of studying. If one side overtakes the other, it would only result to disaster. Too much studying is just as bad as too much playing. We also need to mind our bodies. Our bodies are the Holy Spirit’s temple. Thus, we must take care of it, and avoid abusing it. High school students consider their high school life as stressful. The fact is, it’s not really that stressful. We only lack the consciousness of balancing our time. Time is everything. It passes by, and it’s gone. Every second that passes is God’s gift so we should use it wisely. Developing good study habits not only gives you excellent grades, but it also helps with stress management. With the habit of carefully planning your activities, you’ll be able to organize your thoughts every time. I. What are good study habits A. Fewer people maintain them during the past years B. It takes time to develop II. How do we develop good study habits A. You should make a daily schedule a. You should write down your activities b. You should give time for everything B. You should organize your notes a. You should color code the notes b. You should have a place for them C. You need to conquer procrastination D. You need to take care of yourself III. Why do we need to develop good study habits A. It helps with stress management B. It organizes your thoughts C. It will yield to satisfying outcome – excellent grades.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Lulu PLC Clothing Manufacturing In China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Lulu PLC Clothing Manufacturing In China - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that Lulu PLC Company is a textile company specialized in the manufacturing sector and is based in the UK. In the recent years, the company has engaged in business relations targeting international market. Recent developments led to the company developing a manufacturing plant in China. Rapid economic growth and industrial development have been witnessed in China in the recent past. China is ranked third from the U.S and Germany in the rankings of world’s trading nations. Business organizations intending to exploit business opportunities in China has a mandatory task to understand the prevailing business environment as this may have profound consequences in business development. The Cultural and political environment in particular greatly affects any business performance. The government of the People’s Republic of China has over time developed a market economy in the system, which is dominated by socialist characteristics. Soc ialism in China advocate for collective or state ownership of economic resources and their distribution. Equal opportunities to all characterize the mode of production. This poses a challenge to Lulu Company in that it may take time before adjusting to the common ownership and sharing of production resources. Clothing and textile industry has been in the lead among the industries that have dominated the economy of China. She has been a leading country in supplying the world market with the commodity.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Immigration Admissions and Control Policies Essay

Immigration Admissions and Control Policies - Essay Example To fulfill the second objective of the U.S. immigration policy, the administration should increase the level of restrictiveness in the external immigration control policy. The administration should also revise the internal immigration control policy in order to apprehend the undocumented immigrants more efficiently. Undocumented and unauthorized immigrants should not be given any opportunity to enter the United States. People who are not well educated or those who do not possess good character should not be allowed to enter the United States. The reason is that most of the people belonging to these categories do not find employment even in financially stable countries and get involved in illegal activities, such as, drug trafficking. The U.S. government should take special measures to restrict the entry of such individuals. To fulfill the third objective of the U.S. immigration policy, the administration should create awareness among the public that not all immigrants are bad. The administration should make public aware of the fact that it is only a small number of illegal immigrants who are actually involved in criminal activities. Most of the immigrants are very peaceful and abide by the rules and regulations of the country. Immigrants are fully aware of the fact that getting employment is not an easy task in the United States. This fact makes them work hard to keep their jobs and continue earning money. Moreover, they abide by the laws of the companies and maintain brotherly relationships with coworkers.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Supply chain strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Supply chain strategy - Essay Example Supply chain strategy calls for alignment of the strategy of the business house with that of suppliers, distributors and even customers to have improvements in operations, shipping and logistics. However supply chain management have gained significant importance in the recent past, it has its own complexities and challenges. The supply chain management is complex due to its organic nature and the boundaries of its stability are not defined. The lack of visibility and inability to identify constraints leads to issues like increased cost, time and risks. Also managing bottlenecks is a major issue in supply chain management. Thus there is a constant need of models that can comprehend the complexities and provide a better visibility of the supply chain management. There is a need for developing better processes for standards and also the need for international e-commerce, e-business and e-supply (Birchak, n.d.). The British Army is considered to be one of the most reputed armies in the world because of their discipline. Apart from fulfilling their duties of protecting their own country they have also been involved in some major operations to help build a safer world in places like Balkans, Gulf, East Timor, Afghanistan and Iraq. Due to their huge presence globally there is an inherent need of the latest supply chain management techniques that would deliver the right ammunitions and resources at the right place and of course with military precision timing. Thus the role of supply chain management is huge in the British Army (Army, n.d.). E-Supply chain is driven by the internet enabled information and is significance in the global arena. Supply chain visibility is necessary requisite for e-supply chain. The visibility can be achieved by integrating the information system of all the supply chain partners. By automating the supply chain greater productivity can be achieved

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Budgets Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Budgets - Assignment Example Operational review enables the company to compare its current data with the past. By looking at the past trend and history of the company the company will establish its position in comparison with the past. Financial ratio technique enable the company to take current financial statement apply mathematical formulas to it and then coming up with a metric. Once financial ratios are applied in other companies then it becomes possible to compare one company to another. Financial ratio technique is the best because it enables a small company to compare itself with a bigger company (Platen & Heath, 2009). Financial ratio also makes it possible for companies that are equal in both size and capacity to compare their performance. Operational review will not be giving a company its true positions in the market because the company will not compare itself with others. 2 If the workload required to keep business fully in operation is not estimated correctly, this will drastically reduce the value of operating budget because before making any budget proposal one is first required to estimating the workload required to accomplish its activities so as to determine the budget allocation (Platen & Heath, 2009). ... the task of allocating funds to the operation of various departments or sections within the company organization, and thus making sure each area has what it needs to manage its assigned tasks efficiently Rigidity reduce the value of operating budget, operating budget ought to be adjusted from time to time because more often there are surprises within organizations. Changes should be allowed to be made to the budget because frequently there are shifts in the amount of revenues generated. At some point in the middle of the business there could be adjustments in regard to projected changes in consumer demand. 3 Time: How long will it take to implement a project right from its initial stage until its completion? This includes the time taken by staffs. It is the number of hours and days that a project or program take before its impact is recognized. A project that takes the shortest time to be completed is given a score of 5. The faster the project is the lesser the resources that will be used (Hope & Fraser, 2003). Every initiator or overseer of a project should ensure that he takes time seriously because time is of essence. If the project was intended for specific population within a specific time delay will render that project useless because it will no longer serve its intended purpose. Impact: The changes in a situation that results from the combined effects of project activities, or the extent to which the goal are achieved. Impact also refers to any unintended positive or negative changes that arise from a project completion. If project have a great impact it means that it is successful. A project with greatest impact is given a score of 5. For a project to be rated successful its impact must be felt across the board (Hope & Fraser, 2003). In the course of executing

Friday, October 4, 2019

London millennium bridge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

London millennium bridge - Essay Example London Millennium Bridge London Millennium Bridge links the city of London with the Bankside. It’s 330m steel bridge over the river Thames and is 330m long. It’s the first bridge that was built across the Thames River in London since the opening of the Tower Bridge (1894). Another special feature about the bridge is that is the first pedestrian only bridge. The city is linked near the St Paul's Cathedral with the Tate Modern art gallery on the Bankside. The bridge officially opened on 10th June 2000 and was immediately closed after being open for 2 days as it swayed alarmingly. The movement was not expected to be so great and this led to a lot of criticism of the project. The extensive research took place on the design and the bridge was reopened again after modifications to the original design on 22 February 2002. Since, then it has not had any troubles and today is one of the major attractions of London attracting thousands of pedestrians and tourists every day. The M illennium Bridge is a simple concept which has been given shape via an extensive and complex design. Findings of the Review The review views the Bridge in 2 phases. First phase is before the reopening of the bridge in 2002 (after numerous modifications were made) and the second is after the reopening immediately after the opening and the 2 years that it was closed. The review terms the first phase as a complete failure due to the following reasons: It did not meet the criteria of a successful project It was not completed on time It overshot the initial budget The final product was not of the best quality and had to be redesigned Extra funds had to be raised in order to do the modifications The review terms the second phase as a success due to the following reasons: There is no wobbling and meets all the technical requirements It leaved up to the expectations It has contributed and generated revenue through tourism It has created jobs as it has opened up new business opportunities in the surrounding area Response to the Review Even though the findings of the review are accurate and based on quality research, it does not take into consideration all the factors into consideration before terming it as an initial failure. Yes the fact that the engineers failed to come up with a design that could have predicted the wobbling and make necessary modification cannot be ignored. But this kind pedestrian effect on the bridge was unpredictable. As there hadn’t been any previous recordings that had caused such major effects (Zasky, 2011). Also there are numerous other factors that need to be considered. Prior to this, there hadn’t been much literature on the lateral vibration of a bridge. Even though there were numerous instances where lateral vibration was observed, it was not given much attention and hence was not incorporated into bridge building codes (Newland, n.d.). Examples of other bridges that have registered lateral vibration are Auckland Harbour Roa d Bridge, Groves Suspension Bridge and Birmingham NEC Link Bridge. The research that has gone into finding a solution for the problem has lead to new literature on the topic and this will be used as benchmark for all the future projects. As mentioned above numerous other bridges, which are different in design and technology to that of London Millennium Bridge, that have vibrated due to the load of the crowd have come to light (Newland, 2003). Project manager of the Bridge said, â€Å"

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Women in the Renaissance Essay Example for Free

Women in the Renaissance Essay â€Å"What was life like for Renaissance women? † â€Å"If you were a woman in that time, would you have liked it? † and â€Å"How was the treatment towards women? † Questions like these keep pestering my mind as I research about the Renaissance. It is preposterous at how little freedom women were given compared to this day and age. Not only that, it is clear and obvious that men in the 14th to 16th century in England were given special privileges, while females were not. This is absurd. Women should have been treated as equals with men and without inferiority. The English Renaissance was a period of time filled with great injustice, harsh treatment, and unfair consequences. The life that most women live currently is a luxury compared to the Renaissance since females may major in whatever career she wants, choose who she wants to marry, and in general, make her own decisions. Yet, it has not always been this way. In the Renaissance, females were deemed inferior to males and there were laws that restricted women’s rights. For example, Protestantism â€Å"underscored women’s wifely and maternal roles and simultaneously closing down religious orders that had heretofore offered women a realm for their exercise of spiritual and social power† (Smith 25). Men could not even give females any power, even if was just religious powers. Any authority for females was looked down upon, for men believed women would misuse it since â€Å"as inheritors of eve’s sinfulness, women were pronounced disobedient, lustful, and physically foul† (Smith 25). Females were assumed that way so thus were the inferior gender and treated differently. As males were superior, it was accepted that they had the higher authority so their wives and daughters followed his orders. The daughters had no say to who her father married her to. The main purpose of daughters was as a bride. If they could not marry or lacked the dowry to become nuns, they had to find work (â€Å"Women† 324). Almost all girls were not allowed to decide who they could wed. Their father mainly chose the groom and marriages were often a matter of business. It did not matter whether or not his daughter loved the guy. In addition, the fathers expected â€Å"certain values for girls: chastity, obedience, and silence† These were thought to prepare daughters for their second stage of life, as a wife (â€Å"Women† 324). Chastity was needed because girls could not be married without it, obedience for listening to the betrothed, and silence to not argue with the husband. Sometimes, young girls married men twice or three times their age (â€Å"Women† 324). Imagine having a spouse as old as one’s father, or worse, grandfather! In nobles, the girls had their husbands chosen already at the age of ten or eleven. After five or six years, on the actual wedding, they would meet each other for their first time (â€Å"Women† 324). They were usually married to men with power and wealth; the main reason of the wedding meant sharing a lord’s property or a noble name and continued success. Many women married men they barely knew, or never met. After following her father’s orders, she then had to obey the demands of her new husband (â€Å"Women† 324). Women in the family had different roles depending on what social class they were. The roles of mostly upper class women consisted of different struggles than that of lower class women. For example, upper class women were, â€Å"placed [with] crippling limitations [on] developing artistic or intellectual skills a woman might possess† (â€Å"Women in the Renaissance†). If a woman had sophisticated abilities and wealth, there were more marital offers that came from other nobles. Also, the girls, from a young age, were taught needlework, etiquette, and other talents. In the lower classes, women tended to have â€Å"less freedom of movement in lower classes; they were always handicapped by the physical strains and dangers of constant childbearing and by endless hard labor to provide for [the] family† (â€Å"Women in the Renaissance†). Most of the lower class had to do all their work themselves instead of hiring helping hands or servants since the majority could not afford it. All the cooking, shopping, and cleaning were usually done by the females. They had no time for etiquette and needlework but for other labors in the household. Marriage in households was not the best either. â€Å"Man ruled, women was his property, and he was free to humiliate, strike, and even murder her† (Gail 40). That sounds harsh but it happened. The husbands were even able to murder their wives if their wives were caught in adultery. Adultery was consistently viewed as a wife’s crime; punished by execution and viewed as treason† (â€Å"Women† 317). It was not unheard of for the husband to kill her since divorce did not exist. It seemed that it was always the wife’s fault for seducing other men (â€Å"Adultery†). Regularly, men engaged in sexual relations outside marriage without having to be killed. Women were often married as a matter of business and not by love so of course they would be unhappy and unsettled in their relationships with their husbands. Most tended to simply submit their lives and deal with the marriage. Others refused to accept their fate and looked to satisfy their own desires elsewhere. Yet, â€Å"for a woman who gives into her desires is thought to be deviant; however, the male supremacy in early modern England only perpetuates the female desire to be unbound by societal expectations† (â€Å"Adultery†). Would it not be frustrating to have to be with a man one did not love? Since males controlled females, it was only predictable that women would want to rebel. There were women who wanted to express their opinions but in other ways. The only way â€Å"women could rise [was] through education and struggle† (Gail 42). It was only reasonable that women could finally be noticed through their intellectual abilities. However, â€Å"most men of the day, including churchmen, scholars and educators, stood together against women, and constantly spoke of them with contempt† (Gail 42). Males believed it ridiculous for women to be able to have a formal education instead of learning how to be a proper wife. In spite of all this, the Renaissance was known as the time of the rise of women. It was Spain that â€Å"was known as the country of learned women† due to the Saracen influence (Gail 42). The Saracen women were â€Å"granted spiritual equality to men and women† because of the Prophet Muhammad, whose followers invaded Spain in 711 (Gail 42). Juan Luis Vives, a tutor in Spain, educated Queen Isabella’s four daughters and then traveled to England, where he stirred interest for educating girls (Gail 43). He published books that supported schooling for girls. He began this idea and others took it up. The notion of having almost all females literate was a new thing. Not everyone agreed but there was a slight change. â€Å"During the Renaissance women lost economic power, but, at least briefly, gained status and opportunities for education† (â€Å"Did women have a renaissance? †). The women would finally have literacy instead of lighter, more informal material. Not only that, the time of questioning of women’s inferiority was the beginning of â€Å"Querelles des Femmes,† or the disputes about women (â€Å"Women† 325). â€Å"The educated daughters of humanists, businessmen, and clergy wrote to counter arguments for female inferiority and subordination to men† (Nym Mayhall 45). The women were finally taking actions for their treatment. No more would they keep waiting on men. One such woman was Christine de Pisan who wrote Livre de la cite des dames, or Book of the City of Ladies (Nym Mayhall 45). This was the first important impact of a woman to this discussion. Pisan argued about the schooling and training of women and how it was what made them inferior to men. Not only that, she disputed that â€Å"women’s subordination resulted not from women’s natural inferiority but from men’s envy of women’s virtue† (Nym Mayhall 46). Men know what females can achieve and feel threatened by the competition! That is why there is subordination between the genders. Other European women elaborated upon these opinions. Some include the French writer Marie de Gournay, British playwright Aphra Behn, and Venetian poet Lucrezia Marinella (Nym Mayhall 46). Many early feminists wrote texts that â€Å"contradict[ed] notions of women’s inferiority inherited from classical authors and Christina texts and arguing that women were fully human, not restricted by their natures or biology† (Nym Mayhall 46). This led more females and males to participate in this heated discussion. The idea of equality between genders was beginning to change for the better bit by bit. There were famous females who began to defy men and act upon their beliefs. Some wrote and published their views, others simply followed their dreams that men had taken away, and a few noblewomen used their wealth and status to influence things. The females showed that women were as good as men, whether they liked it or not. For instance, Isabelle d’Este was a noblewoman who was the Marchesa of Mantua. She was not only a patron of the arts, but [also] an inspiration to great artists [like Titian and Da Vinci]† (â€Å"Isabelle d’Este†). To name a few other women, there was the French writer Marie de Gournay, Venetian poet Lucrezia Marinella, and British playwright Aphra Behn (Nym Mayhall 46). These people tried to defend the reputation of women and show the excellence in females by creating literal works. Further women such as Italian Gaspara Stampa and French Louise Labes wrote poetry, romances, stories, novels, and plays (â€Å"Women† 326). Many other females wrote but compared to males, the published works were little. Yet, it’s the thought that counts. Women writers published their thoughts and opinions. Life in the English Renaissance was comparably challenging to that of our current life. There were more limitations and expectations for females. It would terrify most girls in this day and age to marry at such young ages and not even know who the groom is! What if he was twenty years older? Such things were one of the many worries of girls in the Renaissance, alongside with household chores and duties. It was all because of the chance of being born female. Four hundred years from the Renaissance, there is finally equality between both genders. Though there may sometimes be evidence of inferiority, overall females have the freedom to choose and decide what they want and never have to be restricted by rules. There is no need to fear the consequences of reading a book in public or disobeying one’s father in a matter of marriage.